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Fees and Invoicing

Fees and Invoicing

We will issue you a valid tax invoice in respect of each service. We will notify you as soon as the deliverable is ready for download. You will be required to pay all fees before downloading the deliverable. Except as specified herein or in the Order Form (i) fees are based on the Services requested / purchased and not actual usage, (ii) payment obligations are non-cancellable and fees are non-refundable.

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Billing Dispute

Billing Dispute

You may dispute an amount invoiced by us but only if you do so in accordance with this clause:

Except to the extent you raise a valid billing dispute in respect of our invoice, you agree that the invoice is valid and payable (and you must pay any undisputed amount included in the invoice in accordance with this clause 'Fees and Invoicing').

To raise a valid billing dispute, you must (i) make a good faith request to us to investigate the specific charges or invoice, providing at the same time specific evidence which demonstrates that a particular charge or invoice is incorrect; and (ii) make any such request to us within 1 month of the date of the relevant invoice.

On receiving good faith dispute request from you, we will conduct investigations which are reasonably necessary and appropriate in the circumstances of the dispute. At the end of these investigations, you will pay any outstanding amount within five Business Days.


Refunds/Cancellation Policy

All services provided electronically are quality assured. If the customer is not 100% satisfied with the quality, he/she may notify us in writing and request us to rework the work free of charge. Also, if the delivery is delayed, we will refund 100%.

Clients agree to resolve any questions, concerns, or disputes regarding the quality of delivered services by submitting a written request, either by email or the online account. This request must specifically outline all questions and concerns about possible editorial errors or omissions so that our experts may clearly address, respond to, and/or correct any areas of concern on the client’s behalf as quickly and professionally as possible. Rework requests are applicable only to the original text and will be carried out according to the assignment’s original written instructions.

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It is deemed that once you have accepted our quotation over email, it is a formal order. You are then liable to make payment for the order even if you disagree with the pricing at a later stage.

Auto responder from our website is not a confirmation that we have started editing your assignment. We reply to all requests with the exact quotations.

If there is a mismatch between the deadline you have given us and the priority selection, we will give preference to the priority and not the deadline when giving you the pricing details.

For direct TeX editing and for editing a TeX file in MS Word delivery format, we request you to always send us the PDF file along with the TeX file. In case you do not send us the PDF file, we e-mail you to send us the PDF file. However, if we do not receive the file, we will be unable to send you the quotation or start editing your assignment.

E-mail Address

E-mail Address

By providing your email address and consent to us, you give us permission to send you regular updates about our services and company. If you ask us specifically not to send emails to you, we will stop sending you emails.

If your email address is not functional and we encounter issues such as email bouncing, we are not liable for delivery of your files. We will try and contact you once through the contacts provided by you over email. You need to contact us to receive your edited files in such situations.

Delivery of Files

Delivery of Files

We always deliver edited documents within the deadline promised to you. In case you do not receive your document, please contact us immediately. In addition, check your junk e-mail folder.

For editing PDF file in PDF delivery format, we require single column documents with double spacing. This is because it is difficult to edit files in double column and single space format, as there is not sufficient room for writing and the final markup is often not legible. In case your documents do not meet the abovementioned criteria, we change the delivery file format to MS Word for maintaining the quality of the edited document. This will help you to clearly see the changes made with the help of track changes.

User Content

User Content

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Notification Of Changes

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Destruction Of Documents

Destruction Of Documents

PublishPub reserves the right to save documents on its systems according to its policy and Indian government regulations for conducting business. If you want us to delete your files specifically from our systems, you need to send us an email stating your need.



This website is owned and operated by PublishPub and is protected by international copyright and trademark laws. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any way, any material from this site, including code and software. You may not download material from this site for your personal, non-commercial use.



PublishPub may, in its sole and absolute discretion, immediately terminate service, should the client's conduct fail to conform to the terms and conditions of our service.

By using our service, the client agrees to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of PublishPub’s service. Should the client object to any such terms and conditions or any subsequent modifications thereto or become dissatisfied with the site in any way, the client's sole recourse is to discontinue his/her use of the site.

Words Edited
Satistsfied Authors
Years of Editing Experience
Field Specific Topics
Professional Writers
Last update Feb 2024

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Terms Conditions FAQsFrequently Asked Questions

While the impact factor is a crucial metric, PublishPub's Journal Selection Assistant Service considers a broader range of criteria including journal scope, publication frequency, and database indexing (e.g., Scopus, SCI) to match your manuscript with the ideal journal.

Yes, our Journal Recommendation process delivers a selection of 3-5 well-suited journals. We categorize our recommendations to highlight the most promising options, aiding you in making an informed choice based on expert analysis and your manuscript's relevance.

Apart from influencing factors like the journal's impact, aligning your choice with the journal's objectives, your research's novelty, and the publication's scope within respected databases is essential for a successful submission.

Please submit your manuscript and any specific journal targets you have in mind, including the journal's title and URL, to help us tailor our Journal Selection Support Service to your needs.

Open-Access journals provide free public access and are author-funded to enhance research impact, whereas Subscription-based journals restrict access to subscribers, potentially limiting dissemination. Our service helps you navigate these options based on your research goals.

While we cannot guarantee publication due to the subjective nature of journal editorial decisions, our Journal Selection Service aims to significantly increase your manuscript's acceptance chances by adhering to publication protocols and offering comprehensive editing support.

If a rejection occurs, PublishPub offers consultation to reassess and refine your manuscript for resubmission to an alternative recommended journal, focusing on improving alignment with journal criteria.

Our service delivers a detailed report highlighting the advantages and considerations of each recommended journal, tailored to ensure the best fit for your manuscript.

While the Journal Recommendation service is a one-time consultation, we welcome any follow-up queries regarding our recommendations to ensure you are fully supported in your publication journey.

Our panel of experts, comprised of seasoned researchers and reviewers, undertakes the Journal Recommendation process, leveraging their extensive experience to select the most suitable journals for your manuscript.